The Predicates =?, >? and Friends.

; Predicates =?, >? and friends

(dolist (predicate '(< > = <= >= !=))
  (set 'left (sym (append (string predicate) "?")))
  (set 'right (expand (lambda(x)
                         (expand (lambda(y)
                                     (predicate y x))
  (set left right))
(println (filter (<=? 3) '(1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5)))
(println (map (=? 4)     '(1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5)))
(println (clean (>? 1)   '(1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5)))


(1 2 3 1 2 3)
(nil nil nil true nil nil nil nil true nil)
(1 1)

Two Phases Evaluation.

; In this post, I implement simple support for "two phases" evaluation,
; in the form of function "prepare" that accepts code as an argument,
; and returns "prepared" code. Prepared code consists of original
; expressions, except
; [1] expressions of a form
;       (prepare-time expr1 ... exprn)

;     Such expressions are evaluated during prepare-time and replaced
;     with their results in prepared code. Again, except
;     [1a] if result of the evaluation during prepare time is
;          symbol !! then expression is omitted from prepared code.
; [2] expressions of the form (F expr1 ... exprn) where F evaluates to
;     function or macro which contains 'prepare-time symbol, for
;     example
;            (lambda-macro(x)
;               'prepare-time
;                (list '* x x))
;     Such function or macro calls are evaluated duringe prepare-time
;     and replaced in prepared code with results of their evaluation.
; mapg and cleang are versions of map and clean that respect
; lambda and lambda-macro expressions.

(set 'mapg (lambda(f L)
             (append (cond ((lambda? L) (lambda))
                           ((macro? L)  (lambda-macro))
                           (true '()))
                      (map f L))))

(set 'cleang (lambda(f L)
               (append (cond ((lambda? L) (lambda))
                             ((macro? L)  (lambda-macro))
                             (true '()))
                        (clean f L))))


(set 'prepare-time begin)
(set '!! '!!)

(set 'prepare-time-fn?
      (lambda(expr)(and (symbol? expr)
                        (or (lambda? (eval expr)) (macro? (eval expr)))
                        (= (nth 1 (eval expr)) ''prepare-time))))

(set 'prepare
        (let ((result
              (if (and (list? expr)
                       (not (empty? expr)))
                   (if (= (first expr) 'prepare-time)
                       (eval expr)           ; [1]
                       (begin (set 'expr (mapg prepare expr)); recursion
                              (if (prepare-time-fn? (first expr))
                                  (eval expr) ; [2]
                   expr)))                    ; general case
             (if (list? result)
                 (cleang (lambda(x)(= x !!)) result) ; [1a]

; And that's it. Really simple.
; Now, I'll test it. I'll first define one macro (in CL Scheme style)
; in normal code, and one "normal" function, bot of them will be
; used in code that should be prepared.

(set 'diff-squares
     (lambda-macro(x y)
        (expand '(- (* x x) (* y y))
                'x 'y)))
(set 'mirror (lambda(x)
                (append x (reverse x))))
; and here is relatively complicated code that uses already
; defined macro, with some prepare-time expressions, and one
; of them even contain definition of new, recursive "prepare-time"
; macro. Prepare-time statements frequently end with !!, but not
; always.
(set 'code
     '(begin (println "Eval time: starting.")
             (prepare-time (println "Prepare-time: starting.")!!)
             (println (diff-squares (+ 3 1) (- 3 1)))
             (println (mirror '(1 2 3)))
             (prepare-time (println "Prepare-time:"
                                    (mirror '(1 0 4 0 5)))!!)
             (prepare-time (set 'fib
                                  (let ((en (eval n)))
                                       (if (< en 2)
                                           (let ((n1 (- en 1))
                                                 (n2 (- en 2)))
                                                (list '+
                                                      (fib n1)
                                                      (fib n2)))))))!!)
             (prepare-time (set 'fibi (eval (fib 6)))!!)
             (println "Eval time: " (prepare-time fibi) " is prepared.")
             (prepare-time (println "Prepare-time: " fibi " is prepared.")!!)
             (println (diff-squares (fib 3) (fib 2)))))


(println "------------------------------------------------------")
(println "CODE: ")
(println code)
(println "------------------------------------------------------")
(println "PREPARE TIME:")
(set 'prepared-code (prepare code))
(println "------------------------------------------------------")
(println "PREPARED CODE:")
(println prepared-code)
(println "------------------------------------------------------")
(eval prepared-code)


; (begin
;  (println "Eval time: starting.")
;  (prepare-time (println "Prepare-time: starting.") !!)
;  (println (diff-squares (+ 3 1) (- 3 1)))
;  (println (mirror '(1 2 3)))
;  (prepare-time (println "Prepare-time:" (mirror '(1 0 4 0 5))) !!)
;  (prepare-time (set 'fib (lambda-macro (n) 'prepare-time
;     (let ((en (eval n)))
;      (if (< en 2)
;       '1
;       (let ((n1 (- en 1)) (n2 (- en 2)))
;        (list '+ (fib n1) (fib n2))))))) !!)
;  (prepare-time (set 'fibi (eval (fib 6))) !!)
;  (println "Eval time: " (prepare-time fibi) " is prepared.")
;  (prepare-time (println "Prepare-time: " fibi " is prepared.") !!)
;  (println (diff-squares (fib 3) (fib 2))))
; ------------------------------------------------------
; Prepare-time: starting.
; Prepare-time:(1 0 4 0 5 5 0 4 0 1)
; Prepare-time: 13 is prepared.
; ------------------------------------------------------
; (begin
;  (println "Eval time: starting.")
;  (println (- (* (+ 3 1) (+ 3 1)) (* (- 3 1) (- 3 1))))
;  (println (mirror '(1 2 3)))
;  (println "Eval time: " 13 " is prepared.")
;  (println (- (* (+ (+ 1 1) 1) (+ (+ 1 1) 1)) (* (+ 1 1) (+ 1 1)))))
; ------------------------------------------------------
; Eval time: starting.
; 12
; (1 2 3 3 2 1)
; Eval time: 13 is prepared.
; 5
; It works.

Light Your Pipe,


launch some 1970's psychedelia and enjoy!

For-like Syntax for Rnd Function and Generalized Floor and The Friends.

; I like for loop. It is only one loop I can write automatically,
; for all other loops I always have to think what happens
; inside, and what is really exit condition. It seems that for
; loop somehow fit well into my intuition, and I observed the same
; on my students.
; On the other side, I was never quite comfortable with functions
; for random numbers, I always had to think whether upper limit
; is included or not, and what happens if I extend the segment
; or shift it. Not that it is some higher level mathematics,
; but it was never quite smooth for me.
; After quite a lot of programming, only yesterday I came to idea
; to use syntax for rnd resembling lovely "for" loop so I do not
; need to care about borderline cases any more. For example:
;   if (for i 0 10 2)    generates      0 2 4 6 8 and 10
;      (rnd   0 10 2)    should return  0, 2, 4, 6, 8 or 10
;   if (for   3  4 0.25) generates      3, 3.25, 3.5, 3.75 and 4
;      (rnd   3  4 0.25) should return  3, 3.25, 3.5, 3.75 or  4
; You got the idea. If "step" is 1, then it can be omitted, like in
; many for loops. But what about real numbers - is special syntax
; still required? No, for these - step is simply 0. It
; has some mathematical sense. "For" loop doesn't move if your
; step is 0, but rnd

; First, one cute set of replacements for sub, add etc.
; Usual sings for mathematically operations, followed by "."
; which should remind me on "point" from "floating point."
; It is also easier to visually parse and switch from floating point
; to integer versions and vice versa.

(set '-. sub '+. add '*. mul '/. div)

; Append for symbols.

(set 'symappend
     (lambda()(sym (apply 'append
                          (map string $args)))))
; As said, generalized floor (and when I'm here, ceil and round
; as well). There is no reason number should be ceiled
; to some multiple of 1 and not to multiple of any other number,
; not necessarily power of 10 either. It comes handy in this
; particular case.
(dolist(j (list 'floor 'ceil 'round))
   (set (symappend 'g j)
        (expand (lambda(x step)
                   (if (= step 0)
                      (*. (j (/. x step)) step)))
; I'm very happy with the loop above, it demostrate few nice
; features.

(println (gfloor 3.1415926 0.001))      ;3.141
(println (gceil 324.12567 (/. 100 3)))  ;333.3333333
(println (ground 4.1888876 0.0125))     ;4.1875

(set 'rnd
     (lambda(a b step)
        (if (> a b)
            (rnd b a step) ; because of specificity of Newlisp for
            (begin (when (not step) (set 'step 1))
                   (if (and (= step 0)
                            (= (random) (random)))  ;[?]
                       (let ((scale (+. (gfloor (- b a) step) ; [??]
                            (+. a (gfloor (*. scale (random))
; Maybe only two details deserve explanation: ? and ??.
; [?] Why that strange (= (random) (random))?

; It is the result of distribution of the random real numbers,  
; provided by majority of programming tools, so I guess that in
; Newlisp random number is also chosen from [0,1>, if adjusted for
; offset and scale, from [a,b>.
; That means, in ideal case, probability that a is chosen is 0,
; but it is still possible. On the other hand, not only that
; probability that (random)=b is zero, but it is completely
; impossible.
; Since I want that right edge of the segment has equal chances
; as a left border, I gave it one extra chance. If function generates
; two equal random numbers - I'll count it as 1. If it doesn't,
; radnom number is determined in [0, 1>. That is the idea.
; [??] Why formula for scale is that complicated?
; Because "for i:=0 to 5 step 2" is legal, and managing that case
; complicates things a bit compared to only "for i:=0 to 4 step 2."


(seed (date-value))

(dolist(x (list '(rnd 0 5 2)
                '(rnd 3 4 0.25)
                '(rnd 1 4)
                '(rnd -6.666 -5.555 0)
                '(rnd +2 -2 0.01)))
    (dotimes(i 6)
       (println x " = " (eval x))))

After exit, I do not need ";" for comments any more.


(rnd 0 5 2) = 0
(rnd 0 5 2) = 2
(rnd 0 5 2) = 2
(rnd 0 5 2) = 4
(rnd 0 5 2) = 0
(rnd 0 5 2) = 2

(rnd 3 4 0.25) = 3.25
(rnd 3 4 0.25) = 3.75
(rnd 3 4 0.25) = 3.5
(rnd 3 4 0.25) = 3.5
(rnd 3 4 0.25) = 3.25
(rnd 3 4 0.25) = 4

(rnd 1 4) = 1
(rnd 1 4) = 1
(rnd 1 4) = 4
(rnd 1 4) = 1
(rnd 1 4) = 3
(rnd 1 4) = 1

(rnd -6.666 -5.555 0) = -5.844655354
(rnd -6.666 -5.555 0) = -5.862020386
(rnd -6.666 -5.555 0) = -6.024592486
(rnd -6.666 -5.555 0) = -6.231477462
(rnd -6.666 -5.555 0) = -6.409919187
(rnd -6.666 -5.555 0) = -6.586712912

(rnd 2 -2 0.01) = 1
(rnd 2 -2 0.01) = 1.47
(rnd 2 -2 0.01) = -1.53
(rnd 2 -2 0.01) = -1.63
(rnd 2 -2 0.01) = 1.48
(rnd 2 -2 0.01) = -0.98

Three Techniques for Avoidance of Multiple Copies.

; Few posts ago I discovered that functions, macros and lot of control
; structures in Newlisp copy the results of evaluation, instead of
; passing it directly. Of course, it was discovery for myself -
; experienced Newlispers knew that, and it is certainly written somewhere
; in manual. But you know how it is, the manual is the last resort,
; powerful magic that shouldn't be used unless absolutely necessary.
; Anycase, the fact that copies of the values are so frequent opens
; interesting and important questions about possible inefficiencies
; and techniques for their avoidance.
; In this post I summarize four techniques I tried for returning
; of the values from blocks and functions. They are tested on
; two implementations of the very simple function
; that for given n returns the list (1 ... n), and empty list if
; n=0. Also, if n<0 function should generate error, othwerwise
; it increases counter for 1.
; First implementation, f is non-recursive and uses built in
; function sequence; second implementation, g is recursive and doesn't
; use the sequence.
; Each of these two are tested for correctness, and then for speed of
; evaluation, for different values of n.
; It is the most natural one.

(set 'counter 0)
(set 'f (lambda(n)(if (< n 0)
                      (error "Negative")
                      (begin (inc 'counter)
                             (if (= n 0)
                                 (sequence 1 n 1))))))
(set 'g (lambda(n)(if (< n 0)
                      (error "Negative.")
                      (begin (inc 'counter)
                             (if (= n 0)
                                 (append (g (- n 1))
                                         (list n)))))))

(println "======================================================")

; Test is the function that calls f and g with various parameters,
; measures time and print results. Not really interesting,
; so I suggest you to skip over it.

(set 'test
       (println "Correctness:")
       (println (if eval-needed (eval (f 10)) (f 10)))
       (println (if eval-needed (eval (f 10)) (f 10)))
         (set 'maxf 7)
         (set 'maxg 3)
         (for (j 0 maxf 1)
            (letn ((argument (pow 10 j))
                   (to-repeat (pow 10 (- maxf j)))
                   (t (if eval-needed
                          (div (mul (time (eval (f argument)) to-repeat)
                          (div (mul (time (f argument) to-repeat)
                   (println "(f "  (format "%10d" argument) ") "
                            (format "%12d" (div t 10)) "0 ns/list, "
                            (format "%8d" (div t argument)) " ns/element")))
         (for (j 0 maxg 1)
            (letn ((argument (pow 10 j))
                   (to-repeat (* (pow 10 (- maxg j)) 100))
                   (expr (if eval-needed '(eval (g argument)) '(g argument)))
                   (t (if eval-needed
                          (div (mul (time (eval (g argument)) to-repeat)
                          (div (mul (time (g argument) to-repeat)
                    (println "(g "  (format "%10d" argument) ") "
                             (format "%12d" (div t 10)) "0 ns/list, "
                             (format "%8d" (div t argument)) " ns/element")))
(test nil); nil will be explained later

; This technique I discussed on Newlisp Forum already. Idea is
; that instead of, for example, block
; [1]   (begin ... (list 1 2 3 4))
; that returns (1 2 3 4) we can use
; [2]   (eval ... (begin ... (set 'temp (list 1 2 3 4)) 'temp))
; On the same way, instead of
; [3]   (set 'f (lambda() ... (list 1 2 3 4)))
; we should write
; [4]   (set 'f (lambda(...) .... (set 'temp (list 1 2 3 4)) 'temp))
; And so forth. What was achieved? In [1] list (1 2 3 4) which
; is constructed inside begin block is not returned directly, but
; its copy. In [2] symbol temp is returned and later evaluated.
; Symbol temp is also copied, but it is - small. So, we spare
; one copy of the potentially large list. True,
;    (set 'temp (list 1 2 3 4))
; maybe copy the value (1 2 3 4). If it does, then it is still only
; one copy, and typically there is more than one nested block. Second,
; some tests suggests me that Newlisp is already optimized to do
; (set 'temp <value>) without copies if <value> is temporary, i.e.
; it is not assigned to some other variable. Still, I do not know is
; it true, but even if it is not, the first advantage still remains.

(set 'f (lambda(n)(if (< n 0)
                      (error "Negative")
                      (begin (inc 'counter)
                             (if (= n 0)
                                 (begin (set 'temp (list))
                                 (begin (set 'temp (sequence 1 n 1))
(set 'g (lambda(n)(if (< n 0)
                      (error "Negative.")
                      (begin (inc 'counter)
                             (if (= n 0)
                                 (begin (set 'temp (list))
                                 (begin (set 'temp
                                             (append (eval (g (- n 1)))
                                                     (list n)))
(println "======================================================")

(test true); true = needs eval in caller environment

; But - if we return values in variables, and then we evaluate
; these variables - we can return expressions used for definitions
; of variables as well. It is pretty radical, and very "Lispy" idea,
; if anything is "code=data" that is. However, there is a problem
; as well: Lisp code is - ehm - list; Code that generates lists is
; not necessarily smaller than list itself - although it is almost
; certainly smaller than some large lists.
; Function "expand" is useful for elimination of the various local
; variables from code of the function that should be returned.

(set 'f (lambda(n)(if (< n 0)
                      (error "Negative")
                      (begin (inc 'counter)
                             (if (= n 0)
                                 (expand '(sequence 1 n 1)
(set 'g (lambda(n)(if (< n 0)
                      (error "Negative.")
                      (begin (inc 'counter)
                             (if (= n 0)
                                 (expand '(append (eval (g (- n 1)))
                                                  (list n))
(println "======================================================")

(test true)

; In recent Newlisp versions, context variables are also returned
; by reference. So, they can be used for optimization as well, and
; they could be returned without need for eval in the caller environment.

(set 'f (lambda(n)(if (< n 0)
                      (error "Negative")
                      (begin (inc 'counter)
                             (if (= n 0)
                                 (begin (set 'q:q (list))
                                 (begin (set 'q:q (sequence 1 n 1))
(set 'g (lambda(n)(if (< n 0)
                      (error "Negative.")
                      (begin (inc 'counter)
                             (if (= n 0)
                                 (begin (set 'q:q (list))
                                 (begin (set 'q:q
                                             (append (g (- n 1))
                                                     (list n)))
(println "======================================================")
(println "IV. CONTEXTS")

(test nil)
;                          RESULTS
; Comment or cut them out if you want to evaluate the code,
; I cannot resist this beautiful green - blue combination.
; "ns" stands for nanoseconds.



(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10)
(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10)

(f          1)          1220 ns/list,     1225 ns/element
(f         10)          2420 ns/list,      242 ns/element
(f        100)         13580 ns/list,      135 ns/element
(f       1000)        132000 ns/list,      132 ns/element
(f      10000)       1312000 ns/list,      131 ns/element
(f     100000)      14970000 ns/list,      149 ns/element
(f    1000000)     155900000 ns/list,      155 ns/element
(f   10000000)    1954000000 ns/list,      195 ns/element

(g          1)          2180 ns/list,     2180 ns/element
(g         10)         18800 ns/list,     1880 ns/element
(g        100)        705000 ns/list,     7050 ns/element
(g       1000)      80390000 ns/list,    80390 ns/element



(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10)
(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10)

(f          1)          1300 ns/list,     1306 ns/element
(f         10)          1990 ns/list,      199 ns/element
(f        100)          9370 ns/list,       93 ns/element
(f       1000)         87700 ns/list,       87 ns/element
(f      10000)        722000 ns/list,       72 ns/element
(f     100000)       7380000 ns/list,       73 ns/element
(f    1000000)      72100000 ns/list,       72 ns/element
(f   10000000)     689000000 ns/list,       68 ns/element

(g          1)          3570 ns/list,     3570 ns/element
(g         10)         20000 ns/list,     2000 ns/element
(g        100)        440000 ns/list,     4400 ns/element
(g       1000)      33960000 ns/list,    33960 ns/element



(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10)
(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10)

(f          1)          2000 ns/list,     2008 ns/element
(f         10)          2690 ns/list,      269 ns/element
(f        100)          9580 ns/list,       95 ns/element
(f       1000)         89200 ns/list,       89 ns/element
(f      10000)        702000 ns/list,       70 ns/element
(f     100000)       7610000 ns/list,       76 ns/element
(f    1000000)      74100000 ns/list,       74 ns/element
(f   10000000)     755000000 ns/list,       75 ns/element

(g          1)          4940 ns/list,     4940 ns/element
(g         10)         41500 ns/list,     4150 ns/element
(g        100)        653000 ns/list,     6530 ns/element
(g       1000)      38600000 ns/list,    38600 ns/element



(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10)
(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10)

(f          1)          1500 ns/list,     1501 ns/element
(f         10)          3370 ns/list,      337 ns/element
(f        100)         25260 ns/list,      252 ns/element
(f       1000)        276600 ns/list,      276 ns/element
(f      10000)       2384000 ns/list,      238 ns/element
(f     100000)      21970000 ns/list,      219 ns/element
(f    1000000)     215000000 ns/list,      215 ns/element
(f   10000000)    2162000000 ns/list,      216 ns/element

(g          1)          3900 ns/list,     3900 ns/element
(g         10)         25600 ns/list,     2560 ns/element
(g        100)       1068000 ns/list,    10680 ns/element
(g       1000)     118160000 ns/list,   118160 ns/element

; Comment.

; Look at third column, it is most important. I our example,
; straight technique I. is the best only if lists are very small.
; If lists have some 8-15 elements, then technique II. is the
; best, and technique III. is slightly worse, but if lists
; have some 12-80 elements it is also better than technique I.
; As lists grow, both techniques are 2-3 times better than I.
; Technique IV. is worse than I. in all cases.
; Note that factor 2-3 is not universal - it depends on the depth
; of the nested control structures. The advantage is so significant
; that in any time critical program, technique II. could be
; unavoidable.

; Both technique II. and III. are pretty safe for use, i.e.
; incidence of errors probably doesn't increase significantly.
; Technique II. uses global variable, hence, it might cause the
; problems in some cases of multiprocessing, but it is safe for
; all uniprocessing situations. Technique III. doesn't use global
; variables, so it should be always safe.
; One problem is evaluation in the caller environment - it requires
; lot of eval's in the source code. As it has no alternative if one
; want to maximize the speed of his code, it gives the weight to my
; proposal for new forms of lambda/eval and lambda-macro/eval expressions
; evaluating in the caller environment without need for explicit
; call of eval.