Exploring The References.
; Programming languages differ in the memory management systems
; they use. The Newlisp has its own, original system named ORO -
; One Reference Only, which is something in between manual
; memory management and garbage collection. In this post I
; explore use of the references inside of ORO.
; The "references" are the symbols with special names,
; "reference 1", "reference 2" ... (without quotes). Idea is,
; that sometimes, instead of storing values in the variables,
; the values can be stored in "references". Because references
; take constant space in memory, they can be copied faster than
; large values, and also, many variables can evaluate to same
; reference.
; +---------+ +---------+
; | | \ | |
; | X |------------>| 317 |
; | | / | |
; +---------+ +---------+
; +---------+ +---------+
; | | \ | |
; | Y |------------>| (1 7 2) |
; | | / | |
; +---------+ +---------+
; +---------+ +---------+
; | | \ | |
; | Z |------------>| (1 7 2) |
; | | / | |
; +---------+ +---------+
; +---------+ +---------+
; | | \ | |
; | X |------------------------------------>| 317 |
; | | / | |
; +---------+ +---------+
; +---------+ +---------+ +---------+
; | | \ | | \ | |
; | Y |------------>| ref. 1 |------------>| (1 7 2) |
; | | / | | / | |
; +---------+ +----A----+ +---------+
; /|\
; /
; +---------+ ,'
; | | _,,-'
; | Z |--------''
; | |
; +---------+
; Picture above is made with Jave editor, http://www.jave.de/
; Let's start with code, the examples will explain the purpose
; if reader is in doubt.
; Global variable containing number of already defined references.
; Used internally by reference. The largest number is
; 9223372036854775807. Hence, program can reference correctly for
; limited but very long time, i.e. millions of years with current
; computer speed.
(set 'reference-counter 0)
; (reference <expr>) =
; previously unused symbol of the form "reference 1", "reference 2"
; etc is created; its value is initalized to result of the evaluation
; of <expr>. The reference is returned as the result of the function
; call (reference <expr>).
(set 'reference
(inc 'reference-counter)
(set 'new-reference
(sym (append "reference " (string reference-counter))))
(set new-reference reference-value)
(println "\nREFERENCE EXAMPLES ---------------------------------")
(println (reference nil)) ;reference 1
(println (eval (reference nil))) ;nil
(set 'z (reference (list 1 2 3)))
(println z) ;reference 3
; (reference? <expr>) = true if <expr> EVALUATES to reference
; nil otherwise
(set 'reference?
(and (symbol? arg))
(starts-with (string arg) "reference " )))
(println "\nREFERENCE? EXAMPLES --------------------------------")
(println (reference? (list 1 2 3))) ; nil
(println (reference? (reference (list 1 2 3)))) ; true
(println (reference? z)) ; true
; (dereference <expr>) =
; if <expr> evaluates to reference: that reference
; if <expr> doesn't evaluate to reference: error
; Usage note: dereference is frequently used in combination with eval.
; See example bellow. That eval cannot be integrated in DEREFERENCE
; because in that case, COPY of the value stored in the reference
; would be returned, and it ruins main purpose of the references,
; to avoid making copies.
(set 'dereference
(if (reference? (eval (first $args)))
(eval (first $args))
(throw-error (append "(dereference "
(string (first $args))
") error: argument doesn't"
" evaluate to reference: "
(string (eval (first $args))))))))
(println "\nDEREFERENCE EXAMPLES -------------------------------")
(set 'Borg (reference (list 1 2 3)))
(set 'Locutus Borg)
(println (eval (dereference Borg))) ; (1 2 3)
(println (eval (dereference Locutus))) ; (1 2 3)
(push 40 (eval (dereference Locutus)))
(println (eval (dereference Borg))) ; (40 1 2 3)
(println (eval (dereference Locutus))) ; (40 1 2 3)
; (dereference-if-needed <expr>) =
; if <expr> evaluates to reference: that reference
; else: quoted result of
; evaluation of <expr>
; Purpose: to be able to treat references and other values uniformly,
; i.e (eval (dereference-if-needed x)) can replace x.
(set 'dereference-if-needed
(if (reference? (eval (first $args)))
(eval (first $args))
(eval (list 'quote (first $args))))))
(println "\nDEREFERENCE-IF-NEEDED EXAMPLES ---------------------")
(set 'L (list (list 1 2 3)
(list 4 5 6)
(list 7 8 9)))
; What happens if in some kind of loop we push 40 in all sublists
; of list L?
(dolist(i L)
(print "i before push=" i)
(push 40 i)
(println ", after push= " i))
; i before push=(1 2 3), after push= (40 1 2 3)
; i before push=(4 5 6), after push= (40 4 5 6)
; i before push=(7 8 9), after push= (40 7 8 9)
; Which one of the changes lasted in L?
(dolist(i L)
(println "i=" (eval (dereference-if-needed i))))
; i=(1 2 3)
; i=(4 5 6)
; i=(7 8 9)
; Obviously, neither one.
; Now, let us try to change L so it contains one reference, and
; use (eval (dereference-if-needed i)) instead of i directly.
(println "---------")
(set 'L (list (list 1 2 3)
(reference (list 4 5 6))
(list 7 8 9)))
(dolist(i L)
(print "(eval (deref... i) before push="
(eval (dereference-if-needed i)))
(push 40 (eval (dereference-if-needed i)))
(println ", after push= " (eval (dereference-if-needed i))))
; (eval (deref... i) before push=(1 2 3), after push= (40 1 2 3)
; (eval (deref... i) before push=(4 5 6), after push= (40 4 5 6)
; (eval (deref... i) before push=(7 8 9), after push= (40 7 8 9)
; Which changes lasted?
(dolist(i L)
(println "(eval (deref... i)=" (eval (dereference-if-needed i))))
; (eval (deref... i)=(1 2 3)
; (eval (deref... i)=(40 4 5 6) <========= :)
; (eval (deref... i)=(7 8 9)
; Another example:
(println "---------")
(set 'M (list 1))
(push 70 (eval (dereference-if-needed M)))
(println M); (70 1)
; The problem is, of course, that (eval (dereference-if-needed M))
; is large and unpractical. Of course, in practice, it would be
; useful to rename dereference-if-needed to something shorter, like &&&.
; Unfortunately we cannot get rid of eval.
; However, in we use our own functions, we can delegate the care about
; references to the functions. And it is not really complicated. For example,
; if I want to define function push/r which does exactly the same
; thing as push, but it also accept references, only thing I have
; to do in (push/r <expr1> <expr2>) is to construct expression
; (push (eval(dereference-if-needed <expr1>))
; (eval(dereference-if-needed <expr2>))
; and then, to evaluate it. It can be easily achieved in Newlisp.
(set 'push/r
(lambda-macro(my-pusharg1 my-pusharg2)
(eval (expand '(push (eval (dereference-if-needed my-pusharg1))
(eval (dereference-if-needed my-pusharg2)))
; The function println/r is bit more complicated. It accepts
; undefined number of arguments; (println/r <expr1> .... <exprn>
; should construct
; (println (eval(dereference-if-needed <expr1>))
; ...
; (eval(dereference-if-needed <exprn>)))
; and then evaluate it.
(set 'println/r
(eval (append '(println)
(map (lambda(maparg)
(expand '(eval (dereference-if-needed
(println "\nFUNCTIONS THAT RECOGNIZE REFERENCES ----------------")
(set 'N (list 1))
(set 'O (reference (list 1)))
(push/r (list "N") N)
(push/r (list "O") O)
(println/r N O) ; (("N") 1)(("O") 1)
; As we have seen in examples, especially from println - definition of
; push/r and println/r is quite mechanic. Somehow it happened even
; the names of the functions are not innovative. Hence, generation
; of such functions can be automatized.
(set 'reference-enable
(set (sym (append (string normal-function-name) "/r"))
(expand '(lambda-macro()
(eval (append '(normal-function-name)
(map (lambda(maparg)
(expand '(eval (dereference-if-needed
(reference-enable 'sin)
(println/r (sin/r (reference 50))) ;-0.2623748537
(reference-enable 'slice)
(println/r (slice/r (reference (list 10 9 8 7 6 5 4)) 2 3)); (8 7 6)
(reference-enable 'sort)
(reference-enable '<)
(apply 'println/r (sort/r (reference (list (reference 8)
(reference 4)))
</r)) ; (2 4 8)
; Now, we'll do our usual trick; pass through the list of all symbols
; and define "reference-enabled" versions of all primitives,
; functions and macros - just in case.
(dolist(f (symbols))
(let ((ef (eval f)))
(when (or (primitive? ef)
(lambda? ef)
(macro? ef))
(reference-enable f))))
(println/r (reverse/r (reference (list 2 7 5 4)))) ;(4 5 7 2)
(println/r (add (mul (sin 26)
(sin/r (reference 26)))
(mul/r (reference (cos 26))
(cos/r (reference 26))))) ; 1
; Yes, even the last one evaluates correctly.
; Functions defined on this way work just fine.
; However, they do not eliminate the need for explicit dereferencing.
; For example
; (dolist/r (reference (list 'i 'L)) ...)
; can be useful sometimes, but it doesn't replace
; (dolist (i (eval (dereference-if-needed L))) ... )
; Obviously, the technique is promissing. However, some problems
; are left. One of them is well known - memory management. Each call
; (reference <expr>) defines new symbol, and it is not automatically
; deleted once it is not used any more as other values generated
; during runtime. So, either "manual" or "automatic" memory
; deallocation could be required.
; Conveniently, I'll leave that topic for other occasion.
Excellent article. Very good!
ReplyDeleteAre you getting major speed benefits from doing this?
If algorithm is naive, i.e one didn't used anything similar for the same purpose, and values are large, benefits are huge:
ReplyDelete(set 'zref (reference (sequence 0 1 0.000001)))
(set 'z (sequence 0 1 0.000001))
(set 'fref (lambda(x)(add (last/r x) (first/r x))))
(set 'f (lambda(x)(add (last x) (first x))))
(println "references time=" (time (fref zref) 1000))
(println "without references time=" (time (f z) 1000))
references time=14
without references time=24825