Debug-wrapping Around Built-in Primitives

; Debug-wrap is one of the most practical functions resulted from
; deliberations on this blog. It is described in this post:
; version described in the blog maybe doesn't work any more as it is, 
; because Newlisp changed in the meantime. But essence is the same, and
; updated version is in Instprog.default-library.lsp. 

; Classical examples are Fibonacci's numbers. 

(load "")

; (load "C:\\Newlisp\\Instprog.default-library.lsp")

(set 'fib (lambda(n)(if (< n 3) 1 (+ (fib (- n 1)) (fib (- n 2))))))
(debug-wrap fib)

(fib 5)

; Result:
; (fib (in 5)
;      (fib (in 4)
;           (fib (in 3)
;                (fib (in 2)
;                     (out 1))
;                (fib (in 1)
;                     (out 1))
;                (out 2)); t=22
;           (fib (in 2)
;                (out 1))
;           (out 3)); t=43
;      (fib (in 3)
;           (fib (in 2)
;                (out 1))
;           (fib (in 1)
;                (out 1))
;           (out 2)); t=22
;      (out 5)); t=86
; "comments" like t=113 are the time of the evaluation of the function, 
; in microseconds .The result is in form of s-expression, because 
; that is readable format, and also, because it allows one to inspect 
; debugging output in some s-expression aware text editor, that 
; can highlight left and right parenths. I had best experiences
;  with PLT Scheme editor. Debug-wrap can be applied on macros and
; built in primitives as well.

 (debug-wrap +)
 (fib 5)
; (fib (in 5)
;      (+ (in (fib (- n 1)) (fib (- n 2)))
;         (fib (in 4)
;              (+ (in (fib (- n 1)) (fib (- n 2)))
;                 (fib (in 3)
;                      (+ (in (fib (- n 1)) (fib (- n 2)))
;                         (fib (in 2)
;                              (out 1))
;                         (fib (in 1)
;                              (out 1))
;                         (out 2)); t=23
;                      (out 2)); t=35
;                 (fib (in 2)
;                      (out 1))
;                 (out 3)); t=57
;              (out 3)); t=71
;         (fib (in 3)
;              (+ (in (fib (- n 1)) (fib (- n 2)))
;                 (fib (in 2)
;                      (out 1))
;                 (fib (in 1)
;                      (out 1))
;                 (out 2)); t=21
;              (out 2)); t=34
;         (out 5)); t=131
;      (out 5)); t=141
; OK, it works. But, what will happen if I try something relatively
; naive:
; (debug-wrap when)
; (fib 5) 

; Why? The function when is used inside the definition of new, 
; debug version of when. So, when calls another instance of when,
; which calls another instance of when and so forth.
; So, what is the solution for this case? We'll replace all occurences
; of symbol when in the body of debug-wrap with symbol [when.original].
; There are few trivial details also. 

(debug-unwrap fib)
(debug-unwrap +)

(set '[when.original] when)
(set 'debug-wrap (expand debug-wrap '((when [when.original]))))

(debug-wrap when)
(debug-wrap fib)

(fib 5)

; it works. Wrapped when is not problem any more. 

; Now, I'll debug-wrap all primitives used in fib: +, - and if. 
; I'll use few functions that semi-automatize that. Main idea is 
; relatively simple, but there are quite a few technical details.
; My suggestion is - don't bother much about details, just get the
; idea. First, I'll clean the tails left from previous debugging
; sessions of fib. 

(debug-unwrap when)
(debug-unwrap fib)

; Function original accepts symbol, say z as argument and returns 
; symbol [z.original]

(set 'original
    (sym (append "[" (string [original.x]) 
; this loop is equivalent to (set '[+.original] +) and same for
; - and if. 

(dolist(i '(+ - if))
  (if (primitive? (eval i))
      (set (original i)
           (eval i))))

; The function originalize replace all simbols like + with [+.original]
; in the body of the fname.

(set 'originalize 
  (lambda(fname symbolist)
    (eval (list (if (protected? (eval fname))
                (expand (eval fname) 
                        (map (lambda(s)      ;this map will produce
                                (list s      ;((+ [+.original])...)
                                      (original s))) 
(originalize 'debug-wrap '(+ - if))
(originalize 'println '(+ - if)) ; I must do that because my library
                                 ; redefines println on the way that
                                 ; contains if, and if I do not use
                                 ; original if, infinite loops is 
                                 ; created.
(originalize 'print '(+ - if))   ; The same as println. 

(debug-wrap fib)
(debug-wrap +)
(debug-wrap -)
(debug-wrap if)
(fib 5)



; (fib (in 5)
;      (if (in (< n 3) 1 (+ (fib (- n 1)) (fib (- n 2))))
;          (+ (in (fib (- n 1)) (fib (- n 2)))
;             (- (in n 1)
;                (out 4))
;             (fib (in 4)
;                  (if (in (< n 3) 1 (+ (fib (- n 1)) (fib (- n 2))))
;                      (+ (in (fib (- n 1)) (fib (- n 2)))
;                         (- (in n 1)
;                            (out 3))
;                         (fib (in 3)
;                              (if (in (< n 3) 1 (+ (fib (- n 1)) (fib (- n 2))))
;                                  (+ (in (fib (- n 1)) (fib (- n 2)))
;                                     (- (in n 1)
;                                        (out 2))
;                                     (fib (in 2)
;                                          (if (in (< n 3) 1 (+ (fib (- n 1)) (fib (- n 2))))
;                                              (out 1))
;                                          (out 1)); t=10
;                                     (- (in n 2)
;                                        (out 1))
;                                     (fib (in 1)
;                                          (if (in (< n 3) 1 (+ (fib (- n 1)) (fib (- n 2))))
;                                              (out 1))
;                                          (out 1)); t=14
;                                     (out 2)); t=64
;                                  (out 2)); t=78
;                              (out 2)); t=89
;                         (- (in n 2)
;                            (out 2))
;                         (fib (in 2)
;                              (if (in (< n 3) 1 (+ (fib (- n 1)) (fib (- n 2))))
;                                  (out 1))
;                              (out 1)); t=11
;                         (out 3)); t=143
;                      (out 3)); t=153
;                  (out 3)); t=164
;             (- (in n 2)
;                (out 3))
;             (fib (in 3)
;                  (if (in (< n 3) 1 (+ (fib (- n 1)) (fib (- n 2))))
;                      (+ (in (fib (- n 1)) (fib (- n 2)))
;                         (- (in n 1)
;                            (out 2))
;                         (fib (in 2)
;                              (if (in (< n 3) 1 (+ (fib (- n 1)) (fib (- n 2))))
;                                  (out 1)); t=1
;                              (out 1)); t=13
;                         (- (in n 2)
;                            (out 1))
;                         (fib (in 1)
;                              (if (in (< n 3) 1 (+ (fib (- n 1)) (fib (- n 2))))
;                                  (out 1))
;                              (out 1)); t=13
;                         (out 2)); t=75
;                      (out 2)); t=88
;                  (out 2)); t=101
;             (out 5)); t=302
;          (out 5)); t=311
;      (out 5)); t=325

; In next few weeks, I'll integrate all that in the library, so use of the
; debug-wrap will be simpler even when built-in primitives are 
; debug-wrapped. 

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