; During last year of use of Newlisp I changed my opinion about
; one important thing: encoding information in symbols.
; Initially, I thought it is mistake, or attempt for escape from
; dry, but essential Lisp syntax, known in most of Lisp languages.
; See, for example, apostrophe - or even worse, "loop" in some
; dialects. I criticized my Newlisp coleague Cyril Slobin
; who did it once.
; However, soon I concluded that there is no good alternative for
; encoding of information in symbols. For example, in one of the
; first posts here, I tried to define operators similar to +=,
; -=, *= etc in C. If you didn't used these operators, x+=1 is
; same thing as x=x+1; x*=2 is same as x=x*2.
; What does it mean, encoding information in symbols? Take a look
; on C operators
; +=, -=, *=,
; again. The names of these operators are not *just names*, but also
; descriptions of the operators. The programmer who learns C probably
; mentally parse these names while programming for some time, until he
; automatizes use of the operators.
; If these operators are defined in Newlisp program, then the
; names must be defined by program as well. And what should be the
; names of the operators defined with
; (operator1 x y) <=> (setq x (+ x y))
; (operator2 x y) <=> (setq x (- x y))
; ...?
; From my point of view, natural choice of the names could be
; setq+ and setq-.
; Another example of generated symbol names I used is in post
; in which I defined functions for prevention of accidental name
; clashes. If function f is, for example, defined with
; (set 'f (lambda(x)(x y)))
; then (protect1 'f '(x y)) replaced definition of f with
; (lambda(f.x)(f.x f.y))
; and later, I replaced it with
; (lambda([f.x])([f.x] [f.y]))
; How bracket get into combination? Because, I have find that
; I might need to distinguish names like
; f.[x.1] and [f.x].1
; At this point, my variable names started to look increasingly
; like s-expression, so I assumed that it might be useful to
; assume that our usual one-word symbols as just special cases
; of symbols in the form of s-expressions.
; Newlisp allow us to use "ilegal" symbol names, so theoretically,
; I can use symbols of the form (f x) - with blanks and parenthesis
; as characters - but such symbols cannot be printed out and readed
; again. So, symbols - sexprs must use different forms of parentheses
; and delimiters.
; Unfortunately, dot is not good choice for delimiter, because dot
; can be part of the number, so [f.1.3] is ambigious - is it (f 1.3),
; or (f 1 3)?
; Also, square and curly brackets have special meanings in Newlisp
; syntax, so more exotic choices are necessary.
; In following part of the code, I'll show how I defined symbols in
; the form of s-expression and how these are used to redefine functions
; protect1 (fast - and protecting from practically all kinds of accidental
; variable clashes) and protect2 (slow - protecting from accidental
; variable name clashes in some rare, in Newlisp practice unknown.
; but still possible cases.)
; Details are described in my previous posts in series
; "Don't fear dynamic scope."
; "Don't fear dynamic scope (2)."
; First, we'll define equivalents in one, centralized place
(set 'left-parenthesis-equivalent ".<.")
(set 'right-parenthesis-equivalent ".>.")
(set 'blank-equivalent "___")
(set 'apostrophe-equivalent "`")
(set 'quotation-mark-equivalent "~")
; Next, we'll define two pairs of functions for conversion from
; s-expression to string and vice versa.
(set 'symbol-to-sexpr
(setq S (string S))
(setq S (replace left-parenthesis-equivalent S "("))
(setq S (replace right-parenthesis-equivalent S ")"))
(setq S (replace blank-equivalent S " "))
(setq S (replace apostrophe-equivalent S "'"))
(setq S (replace quotation-mark-equivalent "\""))
(eval-string (append "'" S))))
(set 'sexpr-from-symbol symbol-to-sexpr)
(set 'sexpr-to-symbol
(setq L (string L))
(setq L (replace "(" L left-parenthesis-equivalent))
(setq L (replace ")" L right-parenthesis-equivalent))
(setq L (replace " " L blank-equivalent))
(setq L (replace "'" L apostrophe-equivalent ))
(setq L (replace "\"" L quotation-mark-equivalent ))
(sym L)))
(set 'symbol-from-sexpr sexpr-to-symbol)
; Let us see on example, how these functions work:
(println (symbol-from-sexpr '(* (+ x y) (- x y))))
; .<.*___.<.+___x___y.>.___.<.-___x___y.>..>.
; Pretty much like normal s-expression, while < and > pretend to be
; parenthesis, and exotic dots pretend to be blank characters.
; Now, I'll define "protected version" of function set:
; * (set-protected1 function/macro-name original-code variables)
(set 'set-protected1
(lambda(function/macro-name definition-code variables)
(set function/macro-name
(eval (list 'letex
(map (lambda(x)
(list x
(list 'quote
(list function/macro-name
; Example:
(set-protected1 'f (lambda(x y z)(x y z)) '(x z))
(println f) ;=> (lambda (.<.f___x.>. y .<.f___z.>.)
; (.<.f___x.>. y .<.f___z.>.))
; Similarly, the version protect1 that protects the functions
; that already exist:
(set 'protect1 (lambda(function/macro-name variables)
(set-protected1 function/macro-name
(eval function/macro-name)
; In next step, I'll use set-protected1 and protect1 to define -
; protected versions of set-protected1 and protect1.
((copy set-protected1) 'set-protected1
'(function/macro-name definition-code
((copy protect1) 'protect1 '(function/macro-name variables))
; In following step, I'll define set-protect2 and protect2. These
; two functions should be able to protect functions even from the
; most demanding funarg problems. Details are explained in "Don't
; fear dynamic scope." articles, links are above.
(set 'set-protected2
(lambda(function/macro-name definition-code variables)
(set function/macro-name
(expand (lambda-macro()
(symbol-from-sexpr (list 'function/macro-name
(inc counter)))))
(set-protected1 name-and-counter
(first (list (eval (cons name-and-counter
(dolist(i 'variables)
(delete (symbol-from-sexpr
(list name-and-counter
(delete name-and-counter)))))
'function/macro-name 'definition-code 'variables))))
; set-protected2 is the most important function in this post.
; In this version it is more than twice shorter and, I hope,
; simpler than in last version.
; Example of set-protected2
(set-protected2 'f (lambda(x y z)(x y z)) '(x z))
(println f)
; (lambda-macro ()
; (let ((name-and-counter (symbol-from-sexpr (list 'f (inc counter)))))
; (set-protected1 name-and-counter (lambda (x y z) (x y z)) '(x z))
; (first (list (apply name-and-counter $args)
; (dolist (i '(x z))
; (delete (symbol-from-sexpr (list name-and-counter i))))
; (delete name-and-counter)))))
; Similarly, the version protect2 that protects the functions
; and macros that already exist:
(set 'protect2
(lambda(function/macro-name variables)
(set-protected2 function/macro-name
(eval function/macro-name)
; In next step, I'll use protect1 to define -
; protected versions of set-protected2 and protect2.
(protect1 'set-protected2 '(function/macro-name definition-code
variables counter name-and-counter i))
(protect1 'protect2 '(function/macro-name variables))
; Finally, hard example of funarg problem: recursive fexpr hard-example
; call itself, passing the function encapsulating one free variable
; from one instance of the hard-example to another. We'll see whether
; protect2 will protect it.
; If (hard-example (lambda(x)x)) returns 1 2 3 1 2 3 then free variable
; is overshadowed with same variable in other instance.
; If (hard-example (lambda(x)x)) returns 1 1 1 1 2 3 then it is not
; overshadowed.
(define-macro (hard-example f)
(for(i 1 3)
(unless done ; avoiding infinite
(set 'done true) ; recursion
(hard-example (lambda(x)i)))
; One recursive call with function
; (lambda(x)i)
(println i " =>" (f i)))) ; which i will be printed?
; i=1 2 3 means inner is overriden
; First, without protection:
(set 'done nil)
(hard-example (lambda(x)x))
; 1 =>1
; 2 =>2
; 3 =>3
; 1 =>1
; 2 =>2
; 3 =>3
; Overshadowing happened.
; Then, after protection:
(set 'done nil)
(protect2 'hard-example '(f i x))
(hard-example (lambda(x)x))
; 1 =>1
; 2 =>1
; 3 =>1
; 1 =>1
; 2 =>2
; 3 =>3
; Overshadowing prevented.
; Finally, we'll take a look whether all variables intended to
; be temporary, like .<.hard-example___1.>. etc. are deleted.
(dolist(i (symbols))
(if (starts-with (string i) left-parenthesis-equivalent)
(println i)))
; .<.*___.<.+___x___y.>.___.<.-___x___y.>..>.
; .<.f___x.>.
; .<.f___z.>.
; .<.protect1___function/macro-name.>.
; .<.protect1___variables.>.
; .<.protect2___function/macro-name.>.
; .<.protect2___variables.>.
; .<.set-protected1___definition-code.>.
; .<.set-protected1___function/macro-name.>.
; .<.set-protected1___variables.>.
; .<.set-protected1___x.>.
; .<.set-protected2___counter.>.
; .<.set-protected2___definition-code.>.
; .<.set-protected2___function/macro-name.>.
; .<.set-protected2___i.>.
; .<.set-protected2___name-and-counter.>.
; .<.set-protected2___variables.>.
; Yes, they are deleted.
; Another test, this one taken from recent John Shutt's disertation
; on Kernel programming language.
(define y 3)
(set 'f (lambda (x) (+ x y)))
(set 'g (lambda (y) (+ 1 (f y))))
(println (g 5)) ;=> 11
; This code in lexically scoped Lisp evaluates to 9. In dynamically
; scoped Lisp it evaluates to 11. If you are surprised with 11,
; that means you didn't recognized that y from definition of g will
; overshadow top level y during evaluation of (f y). But - it will.
; If you want to use different objects, you have to use different
; names; and, if it is boring to invent new names for bounded variables,
; set-protected (both versions) will do that for you:
(define y 3)
(set-protected2 'f (lambda (x) (+ x y)) '(x))
(set-protected2 'g (lambda (y) (+ 1 (f y))) '(y))
(println (g 5)) ;=> 9
; In further posts, I'll explore that idea of symbols as sexprs
; deeper.