; "Factoring out" is a sword with two blades. Typical result of the ; factoring out is that code is shorter, more concise, approaching ; the essence of the problem, but in the same time, much harder ; to understand. Here is my last program for derivation of syllogisms, ; in condensed version. (load "http://www.instprog.com/Instprog.default-library.lsp") (dolist (fig1 '((S M)(M S))) (dolist (fig2 '((M P)(P M))) (dolist-multi((majqc minqc conqc)(map first (setf qc '((all-are '(for-all if begin)) (some-are '(exists and begin)) (some-arent '(exists and not)) (no-are '(for-all if not)))))) (when (for-all (fn(m (truew (fn(p)((eval ((setf d (eval (append '(case (p 0)) qc))) 0)) (fn(a)(eval (list (d 1) (find (p 1) a) (list (d 2) (find (p 2) a)) true))) m))))(if (and (= (length (unique (flat m))) 3) (truew (setf major (cons majqc fig2))) (truew (setf minor (cons minqc fig1)))) (truew (setf concl (cons conqc '(S P)))) true)) (sublists (sublists '(S M P)))) (println= "\n" (++ syllogism) "\n\n " major "\n " minor "\n " concl))))) ; For better explained, longer code and results, see here: Also, you can take a look on |
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