Another Encoding of S-expressions in Symbols.


Another Encoding of S-expressions in Symbols.
Unlike encoding from the last post, this one maintains form of S-expression. If e is S-expression, then its code is symbol (Q e).

Encoding is relatively simple, because built in functions for conversion of symbols and strings into symbols can be used; especially if symbols converted to strings are not encapsulated within vertical bars or quotation marks. Decoding is slightly more complicated. For instance, symbol

(Q (a (Q b)))

should be decoded into list (a (Q b)) where (Q b) isn't list, but symbol. Hence, built in conversion functions are not enough, but one must define his own "code walker." The code in Newlisp follows.

(define (sexpr->symbol r) (sym (string (list (quote Q) r))))

(define (qlist? r)
    (and (list? r)
         (not (empty? r))
         (= (first r) (quote Q))))
(define (symbol->sexpr r)
           (cond ((symbol? r) r)
                 ((qlist? r) (sym (string r)))
                 ((not (qlist? r)) (map codewalker r))))))
     (codewalker (last (read-expr (string r))))))

> (setq s (sexpr->symbol (quote (a b))))
(Q (a b))
> (symbol? s)
> (setq q0 (sexpr->symbol (quote b)))
(Q b)
> (setq s (sexpr->symbol (list (quote a) q0)))
(Q (a (Q b)))
> (symbol? s)
> (setq s0 (symbol->sexpr s))
(a (Q b))
> (symbol? s0)
> (symbol? (last s0))

Behaviour of Q strongly reminds on QUOTE.

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