; Discussing some possible extension of Newlisp's add and mul functions
; suggested by Jeremy Dunn, I wrote these few simple functions.
; Just in case that someone is interested.
(set 'println= (lambda-macro(x)(println x " = " (eval x))))
(set 'factorial
(let((result 1))
(when (> n 0)
(for(i 1 n 1)
(set 'result (* result i))))
; one might expect that "sequence" work better than loop here,
; but sequence definition is really different, so it requires some
; changes that at the end, make definition more similar to loop.
(println= (factorial 6))
(println= (factorial 0))
(set 'double-factorial
(let((result 1))
(when (> n 0)
(for(i n 1 -2)
(set 'result (* result i))))
(println= (double-factorial 5))
(println= (double-factorial 6))
(println= (double-factorial 0))
(set 'add-digits
(apply + (map int (explode (string n))))))
(println= (add-digits 12345))
(set 'multiply-digits
(apply * (map int (explode (string n))))))
(println= (multiply-digits 12345))
(set 'recursively-add-digits
(if (< n 10)
(add-digits n)))))
(println= (recursively-add-digits 12345))
(set 'recursively-multiply-digits
(if (< n 10)
(multiply-digits n)))))
(println= (recursively-multiply-digits 12345))
; (factorial 6) = 720
; (factorial 0) = 1
; (double-factorial 5) = 15
; (double-factorial 6) = 48
; (double-factorial 0) = 1
; (add-digits 12345) = 15
; (multiply-digits 12345) = 120
; (recursively-add-digits 12345) = 6
; (recursively-multiply-digits 12345) = 0
Add and Multiply Digits.
Multiple Loops.
; Sometimes programmer needs deeply nested loops over the same
; list of values. For example,
(dolist (i '(0 1))
(dolist (j '(0 1))
(dolist (k '(0 1))
(dolist (l '(0 1))
(println i j k l)))))
; For such, relatively rare, but still realistic situations, it
; might be useful to have "multi" version of the loop, and write
; something like:
; (dolist-multi ((i j k l) '(0 1))
; (println i j k l))
; Such a multi loop can be used even if all variables are known only
; during runtime, using letex (or wherex defined in the previous posts.)
; (letex ((L (random-sublist '(i j k l m n o p q r s t u v))))
; (dolist-multi (L '(0 1))
; (println= ... )))
; I'll use recursive definition:
; 1° Base
; --------
; (dolist-multi (() ___) (begin
; expr1 expr1
; ... <===> ... if n # 1
; exprn) exprn)
; expr1 in n = 1
; 2° Step
; --------
; (dolist-multi((v1 ... vn) ...) (dolist (v1 ...)
; expr1; (dolist-multi ((v2 ... vn) ...)
; ...; <===> expr1
; exprn); ...
; exprn))
; First one simple, but frequently needed function that transforms
; list of expressions into single expression by inserting "begin"
; in the list - but only if it is needed. If list has only one
; expression, then this expression is returned.
(set 'list-to-single-expression
(if (= (length L) 1)
(first L)
(cons 'begin L))))
(set 'dolist-multi
(let ((variables (first L)))
(if (empty? variables)
(eval (list-to-single-expression (args)))
(letex ((head1 (cons (first variables) (rest L)))
(head2 (cons (rest variables) (rest L)))
(body (list-to-single-expression (args))))
(dolist head1
(dolist-multi head2
; Tests:
(dolist-multi(() (list 0 1))
(println 5))
(dolist-multi((i) (list 0 1))
(println "i = " i))
(dolist-multi((i j k) (list 0 1))
(println "i =" i ", j = " j ", k = " k))
; Appears to work.
; However, now, when I'm here - many newlisp loops, not only dolist
; have the syntax
; (<loop name> (<control variable> ...) <body>)
; For all of these, multi as defined here has a sense. So, it appears
; that defining multi-version of many loops is "low hanging fruit."
; It is also excelent example of the power of the Newlisp metaprogramming.
; I'll define the function multiloop that
; * accepts the name of the loop as argument,
; * generates new, multiloop macro, and
; * gives the appropriate name to it.
(set 'multiloop
(let ((new-loop (sym (append (string loop) "-multi"))))
(set new-loop
(let ((variables (first L)))
(if (empty? variables)
(eval (list-to-single-expression (args)))
(letex ((head1 (cons (first variables) (rest L)))
(head2 (cons (rest variables) (rest L)))
(body (list-to-single-expression (args))))
(loop head1
(new-loop head2
; Next, I'll apply multiloop on all Newlisp loops of the form
; (<loop name> (<control variable> ... ) <body>)
(map multiloop '(doargs dolist dostring dotimes dotree for))
; Simple expression that contains two nested multiloops.
(for-multi ((i j) 0 8 4)
(dotimes-multi ((i j) 5) (print "*"))
(println " i= " i ", j=" j))
; ************************* i= 0, j=0
; ************************* i= 0, j=4
; ************************* i= 0, j=8
; ************************* i= 4, j=0
; ************************* i= 4, j=4
; ************************* i= 4, j=8
; ************************* i= 8, j=0
; ************************* i= 8, j=4
; ************************* i= 8, j=8
Where is Letex!
; It is easy to oversight letex as just another of less important
; relative of let. But letex is really different. It is perfect
; if we want to use macros as functions - the topic I discussed
; several times but not nearly exhausted. For example, "for" is
; the primitive that behaves as macro:
(for (i 1 50) (print "*"))
; (i 1 50) and (print i) are not evaluated before "for" is called.
; If they are, (i 1 50) would cause error. But, what if I want
; (for L (print i)) where L is random choice of three different
; lists, (i 1 10), (i 1 10 2), (i 10 1 -1)?
; The first guess,
; (set 'L (amb '(i 1 10) '(i 1 10 2) '(i 10 1 -1)))
; (for L (print i))
; results in ERR: list expected in function for : L.
; Standard way of doing that would be
(set 'L (amb '(i 1 10) '(i 1 10 2) '(i 10 1 -1)))
(eval (append '(for) (list L) '((print i))))
; I constructed list (for (i 1 50) (print "*")) and evaluated it.
; Semantically, everything is OK, but syntactically, this expression
; is cumbersome. That's where letex come on stage:
(letex ((L (amb '(i 1 10) '(i 1 10 2) '(i 10 1 -1))))
(for L (print i)))
; Much simpler. However, sometimes, I find that using letex is not
; that smooth and that I, more frequently than not, write my letex
; expressions starting from the back side, like I did in this example.
; Why? Because in mathematics, and ordinary language, word "where"
; is typically used for that task. And one writes the result first,
; with some variables with meaning he'll explain later.
; Really, even in formulation of this problem, I used that word:
; "where L is random choice." Because of that, I'll define macro
; "where." Actually, I'll define wherex and where, "for completeness",
; although I ; expect that I'll always need wherex. It is simple
; addition, but it can be useful.
(set 'where
(eval (append '(let)
(cons (last (args))
(reverse (rest (reverse (args)))))))))
(set 'wherex
(eval (append '(letex)
(cons (last (args))
(reverse (rest (reverse (args)))))))))
; Test:
(wherex (for condition body)
((condition (amb '(i 1 10) '(i 1 10 2) '(i 10 1 -1)))
(body '(println i "-"))))
; It works.
More on Usenet and Google Groups Posting Frequency.
; Inspired by Xah Lee's analysis of frequency of Usenet newsgroups
Decline of Lisp Usenet.
The graphs show average number of posts per month, according to Google.
See also:
- Xah Lee, Computer Language Popularity Trend, 2006.
- Mary McGlohon, End of Usenet, 2008.
- Kazimir Majorinc, More on Usenet Posting Frequency, 2009.
The Most Probable Cond.
; The expression cond branches evaluation of the program on
; the condition which is first evaluated to be true. Theoretically
; there might be some interest in branching program on the
; condition which is *most probably true*.
; What does it mean? I want syntax of the following kind
; (let ((x1 0.4) (x2 0.6))
; ((y1 0.2) (y2 0.3))
; ((z1 0.1) (z6 0.7))
; (most-probable-cond
; (div 1 x1 y1 zy x2 y2 z2)
; ((< (random 0 1) x1) (println "First!"))
; ((< (random 0 1) x2) (println "Second!"))
; ((< (random 0 1) x3) (println "Third!"))))
; Semantics is: each of the clauses, in this case (< (random 0 1) x1)
; and similar, will be evaluated exactly (div 1 x1 y1 zy x2 y2 z2)
; times - where that number is evaluated only once.
; After that, program will branch on clause which evaluated to
; be true more times than others. If some clauses happened to be
; true equal number of times, then any of branches will be chosen.
; Here is Newlisp macro. It is long, because I used descriptive
; variable names and lot of prints to see how macro works. Otherwise,
; it is not really long and complicated.
(set 'most-probable-cond
(let ((number-of-evals (eval formula-for-a-number-of-evals))
(maximal-clause-index -1)
(maximal-clause-successes -1))
(println "Number of evals: " number-of-evals)
(let ((counter-of-successes 0))
(dotimes (this-eval number-of-evals)
(when (eval (first clause))
(inc counter-of-successes)))
(println "Clause: " $idx
". " ($args $idx)
": " counter-of-successes
" times.")
(when (> counter-of-successes
(set 'maximal-clause-index $idx)
(set 'maximal-clause-successes
(println "Max: " maximal-clause-index
". " ($args maximal-clause-index)
": " maximal-clause-successes " times.")
(eval (last ($args maximal-clause-index))))))
; Test
(seed (date-value))
(let ((x1 0.4) (x2 0.6)
(y1 0.2) (y2 0.3)
(z1 0.1) (z2 0.7))
(div 1 x1 x2 y1 y2 z1 z2)
((< (random 0 1) x1) (println "First!"))
((< (random 0 1) y1) (println "Second!"))
((< (random 0 1) z1) (println "Third!"))))
; Number of evals: 992.0634921
; Clause: 0. ((< (random 0 1) x1) (println "First!")): 398 times.
; Clause: 1. ((< (random 0 1) y1) (println "Second!")): 199 times.
; Clause: 2. ((< (random 0 1) z1) (println "Third!")): 106 times.
; Max: 0. ((< (random 0 1) x1) (println "First!")): 398 times.
; First!
; Expressions like (maximal-clause-index -1) suggest that on this
; place some of "functional programming" features can be inserted.
; Really, they can - resulting in the shorter, but usually harded
; to understand definitions.
(define-macro (most-probable-cond f-n-evals)
(let ((n-evals (eval f-n-evals)))
(last ((args)
(let ((temp (map (lambda(clause counter)
(dotimes (dotimes-iterator n-evals)
(when (eval (first clause))
(inc counter)))
(find (apply max temp) temp)))))))
(let ((x1 0.4) (x2 0.1)
(y1 0.55) (y2 0.3)
(z1 0.5) (z2 0.7))
(div 1 x1 x2 y1 y2 z1 z2)
((< (random 0 1) x1) (println "First!"))
((< (random 0 1) y1) (println "Second!"))
((< (random 0 1) z1) (println "Third!"))))
Trees, Branches and Leaves.
; We can easily imagine s-expression as a tree, for example
; '(+ (- 1 2) (+ 3 4) (- 5 (+ 6 7)))
; +-+
; |+|
; _+-+_
; _,' | `._
; _.' | `._
; _.' | `._
; .' | `.
; +-+ +-+ +-+
; |-| |+| |-|
; +-+ +-+ +-+
; / \ / \ / \
; / \ / \ / \
; / \ / \ / \
; +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+
; |1| |2| |3| |4| |5| |+|
; +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+
; / \
; / \
; / \
; +-+ +-+
; |6| |7|
; +-+ +-+
; When we see it as tree, we can easily recognize branches and
; leaves of that tree - they are subexpressions of the original
; s-expression. In this case, our intuition is good enough so
; I can avoid mathematical definitions, and instead write two
; functions that return list of all branches and leafs of a given
; s-expression. By definition, original s-expression and all
; leaves are also branches.
(set 'branches
(if (list? L)
(cons L (apply append (map branches (rest L))))
(list L))))
(set 'leafs
(if (list? L)
(apply append (map leafs (rest L)))
(list L))))
(println (branches '(+ (- 1 2) (+ 3 4) (- 5 (+ 6 7)))))
(println (leafs '(+ (- 1 2) (+ 3 4) (- 5 (+ 6 7)))))
; ((+ (- 1 2) (+ 3 4) (- 5 (+ 6 7)))
; (- 1 2) 1 2 (+ 3 4) 3 4 (- 5 (+ 6 7)) 5 (+ 6 7) 6 7)
; (1 2 3 4 5 6 7)
; Note that expression '(+ 1 2) is leaf, while (quote (+ 1 2))
; isn't.
; Graph is drawn with excellent ASCII editor Jave, www.jave.de
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