Trees, Branches and Leaves.

; We can easily imagine s-expression as a tree, for example
; '(+ (- 1 2) (+ 3 4) (- 5 (+ 6 7)))
;                            +-+
;                            |+|
;                           _+-+_
;                        _,'  |  `._
;                     _.'     |     `._
;                  _.'        |        `._
;                .'           |           `.
;              +-+           +-+           +-+
;              |-|           |+|           |-|
;              +-+           +-+           +-+
;             /   \         /   \         /   \
;            /     \       /     \       /     \
;           /       \     /       \     /       \
;         +-+      +-+  +-+       +-+ +-+       +-+
;         |1|      |2|  |3|       |4| |5|       |+|
;         +-+      +-+  +-+       +-+ +-+       +-+
;                                              /   \
;                                             /     \
;                                            /       \
;                                          +-+       +-+
;                                          |6|       |7|
;                                          +-+       +-+
; When we see it as tree, we can easily recognize branches and
; leaves of that tree - they are subexpressions of the original
; s-expression. In this case, our intuition is good enough so
; I can avoid mathematical definitions, and instead write two
; functions that return list of all branches and leafs of a given
; s-expression. By definition, original s-expression and all
; leaves are also branches.

(set 'branches
       (if (list? L)
           (cons L (apply append (map branches (rest L))))
           (list L))))
(set 'leafs
       (if (list? L)
           (apply append (map leafs (rest L)))
           (list L))))
(println (branches '(+ (- 1 2) (+ 3 4) (- 5 (+ 6 7)))))
(println (leafs '(+ (- 1 2) (+ 3 4) (- 5 (+ 6 7)))))

; ((+ (- 1 2) (+ 3 4) (- 5 (+ 6 7)))
; (- 1 2) 1 2 (+ 3 4) 3 4 (- 5 (+ 6 7)) 5 (+ 6 7) 6 7)
; (1 2 3 4 5 6 7)

; Note that expression '(+ 1 2) is leaf, while (quote (+ 1 2))
; isn't.
; Graph is drawn with excellent ASCII editor Jave,


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