The Probability That Random Propositional Formula is Tautology

; In last few posts we have shown that radnom propositional formula
; using classical connectives or, and and ->, and without variables
; is more probably true than false. In this post, we'll show that 
; probability that propositional formula with variables is tautology
; is surprisingly high. 

(load "")

; The function rnd-pf returns random propositional formula. For
; example, (rnd-pf 10 '(true nil x y z) '(not) '(or and ->)) will
; return radnom formula of the size 10, with leafs true, nil, x, y
; and z; unary connective not and binary connectives or, and and ->.

(set 'element find)

(set 'rnd-pf
  (lambda(len leafs unary binary)
    (let ((connectives (append unary binary)))
      (cond ((= len  1) 
               (apply amb leafs))
            ((= len  2) 
               (list (apply amb unary) 
                 (rnd-pf 1 leafs unary binary)))

            ((> len  2) 
               (let ((connective (apply amb connectives)))
                 (cons connective
                       (if (element connective unary)
                           (list (rnd-pf (- len  1) leafs unary binary))
                           (let ((r (apply amb (sequence 1 (- len  2)))))
                                 (list (rnd-pf r leafs unary binary)
                                       (rnd-pf (- len 1 r) leafs unary binary)))))))))))

; In following part of the program, 1000 random propositional formulas
; of the size 1000 (that means, 1000 nodes in graph) are constructed,
; and probability that random formula is tautology is calculated. It
; is done for various number of variables, from no variables at all
; to 17 variables. 

(set 'vars '(a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z))

(dotimes(j 20)
  (set 'tautologies 0)
   (dotimes(i 1000)
     (set 'rf (rnd-pf 1000 (append '(true nil) (slice vars 0 j)) '(not) '(and or ->)))
  (when (tautology? rf)
        (inc tautologies)))
(println "Formulas with " j " variables: " (/ tautologies 10) "% tautologies."))

; The results are:
; Formulas with 0 variables: 58% tautologies.
; Formulas with 1 variables: 51% tautologies.
; Formulas with 2 variables: 42% tautologies.
; Formulas with 3 variables: 42% tautologies.
; Formulas with 4 variables: 34% tautologies.
; Formulas with 5 variables: 31% tautologies.
; Formulas with 6 variables: 31% tautologies.
; Formulas with 7 variables: 30% tautologies.
; Formulas with 8 variables: 27% tautologies.
; Formulas with 9 variables: 22% tautologies.
; Formulas with 10 variables: 22% tautologies.
; Formulas with 11 variables: 21% tautologies.
; Formulas with 12 variables: 22% tautologies.
; Formulas with 13 variables: 16% tautologies.
; Formulas with 14 variables: 18% tautologies.
; Formulas with 15 variables: 19% tautologies.
; Formulas with 16 variables: 16% tautologies.
; Formulas with 17 variables: 16% tautologies.

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