If lambda Gives let, What About lambda-macro?

; In Lisp generally, including Newlisp, let is defined through
; lambda. According to Newlisp manual
;   (let ((sym1 exp-init1) [ (sym2 exp-init2) ... ] ) body)
; is equivalent to
;          ((lambda (sym1 [sym2 ... ])
;                   exp-body)
;                   exp-init1 [ exp-init2 ...])
; What happens if we use lambda-macro instead lambda on the same
; way?

; I'll define
;              (met ((sym1 exp-init1)
;                    ...
;                    (symn exp-initn))
;                    body)
; as a macro call that translates to the expression
;             ((lambda-macro(sym1 ... symn)
;                           body)
;              exp-init1
;              ...
;              exp.initn)
; end evaluates it.

(set 'met (lambda-macro()
             (letn((initializations (first (args)))
                   (new-macro (append (lambda-macro)
                                     (list (map 'first
                                     (rest (args))))
                             (cons new-macro
                                   (map (lambda(x)
                                          (first (rest x)))
                   (eval equivalent-expression))))
; What such a met control structure does? Almost the same thing as
; let, just initialization will be done in "macro style", ie. if
; I write
;         (met ((sym1 (+ 2 3))
;               (sym2 (+ 3 4)))
;              ...)
; the value of sym1 will not be RESULT of evaluation of (+ 2 3),
; but expressions (+ 2 3) itself, just like I wrote
;        (let ((sym1 '(+ 2 3))
;              (sym2 '(+ 3 4)))
;             ...)

(met ((sym1 (1 2 3))
      (sym2 (4 5 6)))
     (println (append sym1 sym2)) ; output: (1 2 3 4 5 6)
     (println (list sym1 sym2)))  ; output: ((1 2 3) (4 5 6))

; Yap, it works. But, what happens if I make tricky attack on
; my new account with something like?

(met ((sym1))
     (println "sym1=" sym1))
; It works as well, output is sym1=nil, just like it would be with
; let. It is the consequence of the (first (rest x)) returning nil,
; if x has only one element, unlike (nth 1 x) that produces error.
; (Newlisp has the "local" expression that can be used for similar
; purposes. Check it - it is good thing.)

; Another tricky attack with "empty" met, as a edge case? Does it work?

(met ()
     (println "Hello world"))

; It does - it doesn't generate an error, and that's all we need.

; If "let" has a relative "letn", what about equivalent relative
; "metn" of "met"?
; (metn ((sym1 exp-init1)
;        (sym2 exp-init2)
;        ....
;        (symn exp-initn))
;        body)
; should be equivalent to
; (met ((sym1 exp-init1))
;      (met ((sym2 exp-init2))
;            ...
;            body)...))

; However, there is no use of that, because in both metn and met,
; exp-init1, ... are NOT evaluated until body starts to be evaluated,
; hence met and metn should have exactly the same effect - except
; that met should be faster. Why - see my post "New copies discovered".

; Is such a "met" useful? Theoretically, it is as useful as lambda-macro.
; It spares one apostroph and makes programs more readable. However,
; let-expressions are already complicated enough so extra apostroph
; is not nearly such a nuisance as it can be in some macro calls that
; look like control structures. Nevertheless - why not?

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