Cantor's Enumerations (1)

; George Cantor discovered that set of all pairs of the natural
; numbers is countable; i.e, there is bijective map
;                     N -> N × N
; where N is set of all natural numbers. This is the simplest
; bijection of that kind:

; Each natural number, n is mapped to some pair of natural numbers,
; (r, c). That pair is on diagonale d. Inverse mapping is defined
; as well; for every pair of natural numbers, (r, c) there is a
; natural number n such that n is mapped to (r, c). However, if we
; want to write programs that use Cantor's enumeration, then we need
; explicit formulas.
; Let's say that n is given. First, we can calculate d, the diagonale
; on which n is placed. From picture
;           n <= 1 + 2 + ... + d = d * (d + 1) / 2
; i.e. we search for minimal natural number d such
;                d^2 + d - 2n >= 0
;                d = ceil ( - 1 + sqrt (1 + 8*n) / 2)
; When we know d, then it is easy to calculate
;                r = n - d * (d - 1) / 2
;                c = d - r + 1
; Inversly, if r and c are given, then d can be calculated as
;                d = c + r - 1
; and            n = d * (d - 1) /2 + r
; I'll define Newlisp functions, using longer names;
; First, lets define functions that calculate d, r and c on the
; base of n. I'll give longer names to these functions:
; cantors-diagonal1, cantors-row and cantors-column respectively.

(setf cantors-diagonal1
  (lambda(n)(ceil (div (add (- 1)
                            (sqrt (add 1 (mul 8 n))))

(setf cantors-row
   (lambda (n)
      (let ((cd (cantors-diagonal1 n)))
           (- n (/ (* cd
                      (- cd 1))
(setf cantors-column (lambda (n) (+ (cantors-diagonal1 n)
                                    (- (cantors-row n))
; Second, lets define functions that calcualte d and n on the base
; of r and c. I'll give longer names to these functions:
; cantors-diagonal2, and cantors-number.

(setf cantors-diagonal2 (lambda(r c)(+ c r (- 1))))
(setf cantors-number
      (lambda(r c)
         (let ((cd (cantors-diagonal2 r c)))
               (+ (/ (* cd (- cd 1)) 2) r))))
; Lets try two simple tests:

(for(n 1 10)
  (println (format "%2d" n) " -> " (list (cantors-row n) (cantors-column n))
             ", diagonal="  (cantors-diagonal1 n)))

(for(r 1 3)
  (for(c 1 3)
     (print "(" r "," c ") => "
            (format "n=%2d, " (cantors-number r c))
            (format "d=%1d;  " (cantors-diagonal2 r c))))

; Everything works.
;  1 -> (1 1), diagonal=1
;  2 -> (1 2), diagonal=2
;  3 -> (2 1), diagonal=2
;  4 -> (1 3), diagonal=3
;  5 -> (2 2), diagonal=3
;  6 -> (3 1), diagonal=3
;  7 -> (1 4), diagonal=4
;  8 -> (2 3), diagonal=4
;  9 -> (3 2), diagonal=4
; 10 -> (4 1), diagonal=4
; (1,1) => n= 1, d=1;  (1,2) => n= 2, d=2;  (1,3) => n= 4, d=3;
; (2,1) => n= 3, d=2;  (2,2) => n= 5, d=3;  (2,3) => n= 8, d=4;
; (3,1) => n= 6, d=3;  (3,2) => n= 9, d=4;  (3,3) => n=13, d=5;
; Cantor's row and Cantor's column remind on well known operators
; "div" and "mod", don't they?


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