Some differences between lambda-calculus and Lisp (1).

;                        0. Introduction
; At the first sight, Lisp dialects appear like extensions of the
; lambda-calculus. Syntax of the two is especially similar. For
; instance,
;                          ((^ x . x) y)
; in lambda-calculus is very similar to
;                         ((lambda(x)x) y)
; in Lisp. However, it turns that there are many important
; differences between lambda-calculus and Lisp, some of these
; are obvious, and others are quite subtle. In this post, I'll
; list and comment few of these I've find to be interesting and
; important. The post is not tutorial on lambda-calculus, but
; another view that might be interesting to those who already
; know lambda-calculus, but maybe also - to some extent - to those
; who do not know it yet.
;        1. The notion of lambda-expression
; There is significant difference even in basic terminology.
; For instance, this is definition of lambda-expression in Common
; Lisp Hyperspec:
;    "lambda expression n. a list which can be used in place of a
;     function name in certain contexts to denote a function by
;     directly describing its behavior rather than indirectly by
;     referring to the name of an established function; its name
;     derives from the fact that its first element is the symbol
;     lambda."
; In lambda-calculus, lambda-expression is the name used for
; all allowed expressions of lambda-calculus. According to definition,
; lambda expressions are:
;       1. variables: a, b, c, d ... a1, a2, ...
;       2. functions: (^ v . F), where v is any variable, F any lambda-expr.
;       3. applications: (E F), where E and F are lambda-expressions.
; This difference, although not essential is very confusing one.
;                 2. Evaluation vs. reduction
; In Lisp, expressions are "evaluated." For instance,
;            ((lambda(x)x) y) => value of y.
; In lambda-calculus, expressions are "reduced". Reduction
; doesn't require replacement of the variables with values, so
;                   ((^ x . x) y) => y
; and not
;                   ((^ x . x) y) => value of y.
; If we remember high school math, some of the exercises were of
; the form "simplify" or "expand", and didn't required knowledge
; about value of the variables to be solved.
;           (x+1)^2 -1 ==> (x^2+2x+1) -1 = x(x+2)
; Other group of exercises clearly required evaluation:
;       "Find the area of the rhomboid with sides
;        a=4, b=3, and angle of 30° between them."
;       3. Recursiveness of evaluation in Lisp
;                                 vs.
;           non-recursiveness of beta-reduction
;                     in lambda-calculus
; There are three reductions in lambda-calculus; only short
; resume here - formal definition find somewhere else.
;     1. Beta-reduction: the application of the function
;                ((^x.x) a) => a,
;                ((^x.(x x)) a) => (a a).
;     2. Alpha-reduction: renaming of the bounded variables
;                (^x.x) => (^y.y).
;     3. Eta-reduction: elimination of the redundant function
;                (^x.((^y.y)x)) => (^y.y).
;        (eta-reduction is not essential; it can be replaced
;         with other two.)
; Beta-reduction is very similar to function application
; in Lisp. However, there are significant differences.

; In Lisp, evaluation of the function application, for instance,
;                  ((lambda(x)(x x)) (a b))
; is performed on the following way:
;    - argument (here (a b)) is evaluated;
;    - result is assigned to the parameter (here x), and
;    - body of the function, (here (x x)) is evaluated.
;    - the result is returned as the result of  evaluation of
;      whole expression.
; In lambda-calculus, beta-reduction of the application,
; for instance,
;                    ((^x.(x x)) (a b))
; is performed on a following way:
;     - argument (here (a b)) is substituted for parameter (here x)
;       in the body of the function (here (x x)).
;     - the result of the substitution is result of beta-reduction.
; The result of the two is significantly different.
;     Note that beta reduction does significantly less than
;     evaluation. Beta-reduction doesn't apply itself recursively
;     on y and on (x x), while evaluation in Lisp does - it requires
;     evaluation of
;      3.1. Example: Church's lambda in Newlisp
; I'll use previous discussion to define
;                        lambda-Church
; in Newlisp, so expressions using it are evaluated just like
; lambda-expressions are beta reduced in lambda-calculus. For
; instance, I want
;                   ((lambda-Church (x) (x x)) (a b))
; to evalute to
;                      ((a b)(a b)).
; What should I do? In Newlisp, because it has fexprs, its easy.
; Expression
;                     (lambda-Church (x) (x x))
; should be evaluated to
;               (lambda-macro(x)(expand (quote (x x))
;                                       (quote x)))
; and that's all.

(define-macro (lambda-Church head body)
  (let ((var (first head)))
     (expand (lambda-macro(var)(expand (quote body)
                                       (quote var)))
             (quote body)
             (quote var))))

; Let's test it.

(println (lambda-Church (x)(x x)))

;    ==> (lambda-macro (x) (expand (quote (x x)) (quote x)))

(println ((lambda-Church (x)(x x)) (a b)))

;    ==> ((a b) (a b))
; It works. In future, lambda-Church expressions can
; be freely mixed with other Newlisp expressions.
; To be  continued  ...


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