Cantor's Enumerations (2)

; It is possible to enumerate not only pairs of the natural numbers,
; but triplets as well. For a first step, I'll combine functions
; cantors-row and cantors column into one
;                  cantors-enumeration-2:N->N×N,
; and I'll also define inverse function
;               cantors-enumeration-2-inverse:N×N->N
; (If you want to "run" these examples, you might need to concatenate
; text of this post to text of previous post. Or, you can just read
; it as it is.)

(define cantors-enumeration-2
        (lambda(n)(list (cantors-row n) (cantors-column n))))

(define cantors-enumeration-2-inverse
        (lambda(r c)(cantors-number r c)))
; Now, cantor enumeration of triplets can be defined as  
;                cantors-enumeration-3: N-> N x N x N

(define cantors-enumeration-3
        (lambda(n)(append (list (cantors-row n))
                          (cantors-enumeration-2 (cantors-column n)))))
; Is it bijection? Yes, it is - for completeness, here is the proof,
; but I advice you to skip through that, since it is very dry and
; "straight-forward."
; [1] Is it injection? It is, because, for every n1 and n2,
;     it is either
;    (1.1) (cantors-row n1) is different than (cantors-row n2), or
;    (1.2) (cantors-column n1) is different than (cantors-column n2)
;    if (1.1) then by definition (cantors-enumeration-3 n1) is different
;             than (cantors-enumeration-3 n2).
;    if (1.2) then (cantors-enumeration-2 (cantors-column n1)) is
;             different than (cantors-enumeration-2 (cantors-column n2))
;             because cantors-enumeration-2 is bijection, and then
;             (cantors-enumeration-3 n1) is different than
;             (cantors-enumeration-3 n2).
; [2] Is it surjection? First, there is m such that
;     (cantors-enumeration-2 m)=(y z). Also, there is n such that
;     (cantros-enumeration-2 n)=(x (cantors-column m)). So, yes,
;     it is surjection as well.
;  We can also define inverse enumeration:

(define cantors-enumeration-3-inverse
        (lambda(x y z)(let((m (cantors-enumeration-2-inverse y z)))
                          (cantors-enumeration-2-inverse x m))))
; lets test it:

(println "\ncantors-enumeration-3 and cantors-enumeration-3-inverse test:\n")

(for(i1 1 8)
   (letn((i2 (cantors-enumeration-3 i1))
         (i3 (apply cantors-enumeration-3-inverse i2)))
      (println (format "%2d" i1) " -> " i2 " => " (format "%2d" i3))))

;  1 -> (1 1 1) =>  1
;  2 -> (1 1 2) =>  2
;  3 -> (2 1 1) =>  3
;  4 -> (1 2 1) =>  4
;  5 -> (2 1 2) =>  5
;  6 -> (3 1 1) =>  6
;  7 -> (1 1 3) =>  7
;  8 -> (2 2 1) =>  8


(for(i 1 2)
  (for(j 1 2)
     (for(k 1 2)
        (letn((i1 (list i j k))
              (i2 (cantors-enumeration-3-inverse i j k))
              (i3 (cantors-enumeration-3 i2)))
        (println i1 " -> " (format "%2d" i2) " => " i3)))))

; (1 1 1) ->  1 => (1 1 1)
; (1 1 2) ->  2 => (1 1 2)
; (1 2 1) ->  4 => (1 2 1)
; (1 2 2) -> 11 => (1 2 2)
; (2 1 1) ->  3 => (2 1 1)
; (2 1 2) ->  5 => (2 1 2)
; (2 2 1) ->  8 => (2 2 1)
; (2 2 2) -> 17 => (2 2 2)

; By inductions, enumeration can be defined for p-tuples, where
; p is any natural number. Perhaps p=1 is unnecessary case, but I
; defined it, however, for sake of completeness.

(define (cantors-enumeration p n)
        (cond ((= p 1) (list n))
              ((> p 1) (cons (cantors-row n)
                             (cantors-enumeration (- p 1) (cantors-column n))))))

(define (cantors-enumeration-inverse)
        ; p is not needed since it can be calculated from the
        ; number of arguments
        (letn((arguments (args))
             (p (length arguments)))        
            (cond ((= p 1) (first arguments))
                  ((> p 1) (apply cantors-number
                                  (cons (first arguments)
                                        (apply cantors-enumeration-inverse
                                               (rest arguments))))))))
; Test again

(println "\ncantors-enumeration and cantors-enumeration-inverse test:\n")

(for(i1 1 16)
    (letn((i2 (cantors-enumeration 4 i1))
          (i3 (apply cantors-enumeration-inverse i2)))
      (println (format "%2d" i1) " -> " i2 " => " (format "%2d" i3))))

;  1 -> (1 1 1) =>  1
;  2 -> (1 1 2) =>  2
;  3 -> (2 1 1) =>  3
;  4 -> (1 2 1) =>  4
;  5 -> (2 1 2) =>  5
;  6 -> (3 1 1) =>  6
;  7 -> (1 1 3) =>  7
;  8 -> (2 2 1) =>  8
;  9 -> (3 1 2) =>  9
; 10 -> (4 1 1) => 10
; 11 -> (1 2 2) => 11
; 12 -> (2 1 3) => 12
; 13 -> (3 2 1) => 13
; 14 -> (4 1 2) => 14
; 15 -> (5 1 1) => 15
; 16 -> (1 3 1) => 16


(for(i 1 2)
  (for(j 1 2)
    (for(k 1 2)
       (for(l 1 2)
          (letn((i1 (list i j k l))
                (i2 (cantors-enumeration-inverse i j k l))
                (i3 (cantors-enumeration 4 i2)))
            (println i1 " -> " (format "%3d" i2) " => " i3))))))

; (1 1 1 1) ->   1 => (1 1 1 1)
; (1 1 1 2) ->   2 => (1 1 1 2)
; (1 1 2 1) ->   7 => (1 1 2 1)
; (1 1 2 2) ->  56 => (1 1 2 2)
; (1 2 1 1) ->   4 => (1 2 1 1)
; (1 2 1 2) ->  11 => (1 2 1 2)
; (1 2 2 1) ->  29 => (1 2 2 1)
; (1 2 2 2) -> 137 => (1 2 2 2)
; (2 1 1 1) ->   3 => (2 1 1 1)
; (2 1 1 2) ->   5 => (2 1 1 2)
; (2 1 2 1) ->  12 => (2 1 2 1)
; (2 1 2 2) ->  68 => (2 1 2 2)
; (2 2 1 1) ->   8 => (2 2 1 1)
; (2 2 1 2) ->  17 => (2 2 1 2)
; (2 2 2 1) ->  38 => (2 2 2 1)
; (2 2 2 2) -> 155 => (2 2 2 2)

; Everything works.


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