Enumeration of Lambda-Expressions.

(setf [println.supressed] true [print.supressed] true)
(load "http://instprog.com//Instprog.default-library.lsp")
(setf [println.supressed] nil [print.supressed] nil)

; The lambda-expressions are defined on following way:
; (a) a, b, c, ... are lambda-expressions. These lambda expressions
;     are named "variables".
; (b) if X is variable and E is lambda-expression, then
;                            (^ X . E)
;     is lambda-expression as well. These lambda-expressions are
;     named "functions".
; (c) if E and F are lambda-expressions, then (E F) is lambda-
;     expression as well. These lambda expressions are named
;     "applications."
; Using functions for Cantor's enumeration developed in last few
; posts, now in my library, I'll define functions for enumeration
; of all lambda-expressions, i.e. bijective function
;                    lam: N -> all lambda-exprsions
; Enumerations of variables, functions, and applications will be
; defined independently.
;       var1, var2, ..., varn, ...
;       fun1, fun2, ..., funn, ...
;       app1, app2, ..., appn, ...
; After that, all lambda expressions will be enumerated on following
; way:
;       var1, fun1, app1, var2, fun2, app2, ...
; First - enumeration of variables; and inverse enumeration.
; If alphabet is, for example, "xyz", I'll enumerate variables
; on following way:
;       x, y, z, x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2 ...
; It slightly complicates enumeration, but it looks better than
;       x0, y0, z0, x1, y1, ...

(setf var (lambda(n alphabet)
             (letn((l (length alphabet))
                   (first-char (alphabet (% (- n 1) l)))
                   (rest-chars (let((n1 (/ (- n 1) l)))
                               (if (= n1 0) "" (string n1)))))
                  (sym (append first-char rest-chars)))))
(setf var-inverse (lambda(v alphabet)
                     (letn((l (length alphabet))
                           (first-char (first (string v)))
                           (rest-chars (rest (string v))))
                          (when (= rest-chars "")
                                (setf rest-chars "0"))
                          (+ (* (int rest-chars) l)
                             (find first-char alphabet) 1))))
; Second, enumeration of functions - and inverse enumeration.
; Every function has form (^ <var> <lambda-expression>), where
; any variable and lambda-expression is allowed. All pairs of
; variables and lambda-expressions can be enumerated using
; Cantor's enumeration:

(setf fun (lambda(n alphabet)
             (list '^
                   (var (cantors-row n) alphabet)
                   (lam (cantors-column n) alphabet))))
(setf fun-inverse
  (lambda(f alphabet)
     (cantors-enumeration-inverse (var-inverse (f 1) alphabet)
                                  (lam-inverse (f 3) alphabet))))
; Third, enumeration of applications - and inverse enumeration.
; Every application has form (<lambda-expression1> <lambda-expression2>),
; For enumeration of pairs of lambda-expressions, we need Cantors
; enumeration again.

(setf app (lambda(n alphabet)
            (list (lam (cantors-row n) alphabet)
                  (lam (cantors-column n) alphabet))))
(setf app-inverse
  (lambda(a alphabet)
    (cantors-enumeration-inverse (lam-inverse (first a) alphabet)
                                 (lam-inverse (last a) alphabet))))

; Finally, enumeration of lambda expressions - and inverse enumeration:

(setf lam (lambda(n alphabet)
            (letn((n1 (- n 1))
                  (row (+ (% n1 3) 1))
                  (column (+ (/ n1 3) 1)))

              (case row (1 (var column alphabet))
                        (2 (fun column alphabet))
                        (3 (app column alphabet))))))

; For lam-inverse, I need few helper predicates:

(setf var? (lambda(l)(symbol? l)))   
(setf fun? (lambda(l)(and (list? l) (= (length l) 4))))
(setf app? (lambda(l)(and (list? l) (= (length l) 2))))

(setf lam-inverse
      (lambda(l alphabet)
         (local(row column)
           (cond ((var? l)(setf row 1)
                          (setf column (var-inverse l alphabet)))
                 ((fun? l)(setf row 2)
                          (setf column (fun-inverse l alphabet)))
                 ((app? l)(setf row 3)
                          (setf column (app-inverse l alphabet))))
            (+ (* 3 (- column 1)) row))))

;                          TEST

(for(i1 1 10)
  (letn((i2 (lam i1 "xyz"))
       (i3 (lam-inverse i2 "xyz")))
       (println i1 " -> " i2 " => " i3)))

; Here is output - ten nice lambda expressions

; 1 -> x => 1
; 2 -> (^ x . x) => 2
; 3 -> (x x) => 3
; 4 -> y => 4
; 5 -> (^ x . (^ x . x)) => 5
; 6 -> (x (^ x . x)) => 6
; 7 -> z => 7
; 8 -> (^ y . x) => 8
; 9 -> ((^ x . x) x) => 9
; 10 -> x1 => 10
; In case you like these, here is one million lambda-expressions.
; (set 'out-file (open "C://lambda-expressions.txt" "write"))
; (for(i1 1 1000000)
;   (letn((i2 (lam i1 "xyz"))
;         (i3 (append (string i1) ".  " (string i2))))
;        (write-line out-file i3)))
; (close out-file)


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